
2019, Thu



[AD] Thursday Favourite: Roka


Serhat, one of the co-founders, is from Istanbul, Turkey in the Middle East. He has been living in Shanghai for six years. He is a young and talented gourmet who loves life and food. There are the most authentic Turkish barbecue, Turkish ice cream, Greek yoghurt… Various kinds of food are worth the trip to try!

Spinach pizza

The shape of the dish is very special, crisp and thin cake base, topped with green spinach and thick cheese. The taste of spinach penetrates into it, and the sweet taste and the cheese are perfectly integrated. With a bite of the dough, the flavour remains, instantly I feel like popeye, full of vitality!

You’ve never eaten a pizza like this


Zucchini cake with yoghurt

Zucchini pie is a Turkish vegetable pie with cheese, milk, yoghurt, vegetables, flour, and Turkish spices. Both the aroma of scallion cake and the soft taste of crisp outside is very authentic.


The finishing touch is right next to the cake, a Turkish favourite — old yoghurt, characterized by a smooth texture and tangy aftertaste. The crispy zucchini should be enjoyed with a dip in yoghurt, several flavours in a bite to satisfy your taste buds.

Rice pudding

Fresh every day. The top is a layer of solidified baked milk skin, scoop to go down, now the baked skin is broken, the milk paste inside is added with waxy soft rice, rice grains are thoroughly soaked in milk, thick milk fragrance wrapped in cool and soft waxy rice, very thick and creamy.



You can also take yourself into the heart of Middle Eastern culture and (if it’s your thing) enjoy a selection of hookah flavours in a social setting. There is even an outdoor patio where you can enjoy the summer evenings.


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2019, Tue



Holy heck! The temperatures are soaring and it feels like we’re swimming through all that humidity when we step outside for a second. What to do when going outside is a death wish and there aren’t any new summer blockbusters playing in the cinema? 
It’s time to catch up on some martial arts movies and order a pizza and 6-pack for delivery. A quick word of warning though: it’s hot – we can’t fault our couriers for rocking Beijing bikinis.
Via RussianBelle @ imgur 来自imgur
How many of these great flicks have you seen?
Ong-Bak 拳霸
Image Source: imdb 图片来源:imdb
A young Thai villager named Boonting lives a peaceful life in his hometown. Things are calm until one day a shady businessman steals a sacred Buddha statue. Boonting volunteers to track down the artifact in Bangkok. He uses his traditional Muay Thai skills to beat down all kinds of baddies along the way. 
IMDb Rating: 7.2/10  IMDb评分7.2/10
Editor’s Rating: 4.0/5 – “Tony Jaa is an absolute monster. This movie is funny and chock-full of action. One of the only movies we can name that mixes Thai street food and Muay Thai together in a scene.”
编者评分:4.0/5“Tony Jaa绝对是个奇才,这部电影十分有趣并动感满分。这是唯一一部能叫出名的融合泰国街头食物和泰拳的电影。”
Kung Fu Hustle 功夫
Image Source:  图片来源
A wannabe gansgster seeks to join the notorious “Axe Gang” in 1940s Shanghai; however, residents of a housing complex defend their territory with some rather extraordinary powers. 
IMDb Rating: 7.8/10  IMDb评分:7.8/10
Editor’s Rating: 4/5 – “Why so serious? Kung Fu movies can be downright silly too. Long live the cigarette smoking landlady. Kung Fu Hustle captures the Wuxia feeling perfectly and also features lots of retired Hong Kong stars.” 
编者评分:4/5 –“干嘛那么严肃?功夫电影也可以很搞笑。吸烟的女房东赞爆了。《功夫》完美地捕捉到了武侠的感觉,同时也展现了许多退休香港明星的风采。
John Wick  疾速追杀
Image Source: amazon  图片来源:amazon
Don’t mess with John Wick. He only wanted to get out of the game, but this ex-hit-man comes out of retirement to track down the Russian gangsters that made the mistake of killing his dog.
别得罪John Wick。他只是想金盆洗手,但这个退休的前杀手回来了,只为追查杀害了他的狗的俄罗斯黑帮。
IMDb Rating: 7.4/10  IMDb评分:7.4/10
Editor’s Rating: 5/5 – “Don’t expect smart dialogue, just Keanu Reeves absolutely destroying everybody in sight. The club fight scene is an all-time favourite. If you like John Wick, the good times keep coming in the two sequels.”
编者评分:5/5 – “别指望会有什么多余的废话,Keanu Reeves绝对会毁掉眼前的每一个人。俱乐部的打斗场面一直是最受欢迎的。如果你喜欢John Wick,那么敬请继续期待后面两部续集”
The Raid  突袭
Image Source: imdb 图片来源:imdb
An elite S.W.A.T. team goes on a mission to infiltrate a crime-infested high-rise building that’s run by a ruthless drug lord. Will they make it out of the slums of Jakarta alive?
IMDb Rating: 7.6/10  IMDb评分:7.6/10
Editor’s Rating: 4.5/5 – “Absolutely brutal. Bones get smashed, machetes chop body parts off, and necks are twisted. Indonesian martial arts movies take it to the next level. Make sure to catch the sequel as well!”
编者评分:4.5/5 – “画面绝对血腥暴力。骨头被打碎、砍刀砍下身体的部分、脖子被扭断。印尼高水准动作片的代表作,一定要看续集哦!”
13 Assassins  13刺客
Image Source:  图片来源
This 2010 film is a remake of the famous 1960s black-and-white samurai movie of the same name. Loosely based on historical events, the events of the movie follow a group of, you guessed it, 13 assassins as they plot to assassinate the leader of the Akashi clan.
IMDb Rating: 7.6/10  IMDb评分:7.6/10
Editor’s Rating: 4/5 – “Not every remake is a straight cash grab. The beautiful settings and cinematography transport us back into historical Japan. We’re just glad we don’t have to battle any samurai”
编者评分:4/5 – “并不是所有的翻拍都能直接赚到钱。美丽的布景和电影技术把我们带回了历史悠久的日本。值得庆幸的是我们不用和任何武士战斗”
Once you catch up on these awesome movies at home and the heat dies down a little, don’t forget to use Sherpa’s to book your movie tickets when you want to venture out to catch a picture on the cinema big screen. 
在家里看完这些精彩的电影,还能有效地帮助降温,当你想去电影院大屏幕上看电影时,别忘了用Sherpa’s App订票哦!
How can I book tickets?
All you need to do to get started is open the Sherpa’s app and look for the ‘Movie Tickets’ banner, find the movie you want to see, choose the cinema, select the seats and then pay!
After purchasing through the Sherpa’s App you’ll receive a booking number or QR Code, just find one of the self-service kiosks in the cinema and print your tickets!
Make sure you have the latest version of the Sherpa’s App and just look for the banner. So, no need to worry about the extreme heat, whether you decide to stay in and enjoy your favourite restaurant or go out and catch a movie, we got you!

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2019, Sat



Nowadays, food is about a whole lot more than just how it tastes – it’s about novelty factor, and the very important matter of how good it looks on Instagram. here’s a handful of recent food and drink releases which have plenty of either novelty, looks, or a healthy dose of both.



Picture by Domino’s 图片来自达美乐

Pizza Wedding Cake 用披萨做的婚礼蛋糕

Following asurvey by Domino’s that found 22% of people at weddings would rather eat pizza than the food they’re served, they’ve only gone and made these dreams come true. They’re offering 10 pairs of soon-to-be-wed couples 20 pizzas each to serve up on their special day.

达美乐(Domino ‘s)的一项调查发现,参加婚礼的人中有22%的人宁愿吃披萨,也不愿吃婚礼提供的食物。达美乐向10对即将结婚的夫妇提供披萨,每对新人20个披萨,供他们在特殊的日子享用。


Image by Victoria Bitter 图片来自Victoria Bitter

Beer Tea 啤酒茶

We’ve all had the urge to crack open a cold one at our work desk. However – save for Friday at 5pm at some companies – it’s not really allowed. With these teabags from Australian beer brand Victoria Bitter you can have a mouthful of tea which supposedly tastes and smells just like beer, without getting an earful from your boss.



Image via French’s  图片来自French’s


Mustard Ice Cream 芥末冰淇淋

The collaboration no one wanted – French’s mustard released this bright yellow frozen ‘treat’ to celebrate (or ruin) National Mustard Day. According to people who have tried it, it’s not quite as gross as it sounds at first, and actually turned out to be creamy, have a slight vanilla flavour, and not really taste of mustard after all.



 Image via Sam’s Club 图片来自Sam’s Club

Grape Soda Grapes 葡萄汽水味的葡萄

One of life’s greatest mysteries is how grape soda came to taste so unlike your typical grape. At the risk of creating another chicken-and-egg conundrum for future generations, Sam’s Club has introduced grapes that taste more like the ridiculously purple soda counterpart than actual grapes.



Image by Emily McGuire Photography via Facebook


Food Delivery… but not as you know it 美食快递但跟你想的不太一样

Most of uslove coming home to a that Baopals or Amazon delivery we’ve been eagerly tracking even seconds after ordering it. An Emily McGuire was particularly guilty of ordering in a package too many, so her husband decided to celebrate her birthday and lavish online spending habits with an Amazon Prime cake. Createdby Inspiring Grounds and Sweet Dreams Bakery in Dunn, North California, this three-layer cake is filled with chocolate sponge and cream, and even topped with a wafer paper shipping label to 1234 Birthday Lane.

我们大多数人都喜欢在Baopals或亚马逊(Amazon)的下单几秒钟后就迫不及待地跟踪它。EmilyMcGuire热衷于在网上买很多东西,所以她的丈夫决定用亚马逊Prime蛋糕来庆祝她的生日和她在网上的奢侈消费习惯。这款蛋糕由加州北部邓恩市的InspiringGrounds and Sweet Dreams Bakery设计,共三层,蛋糕里充满了巧克力海绵和奶油,甚至顶部还有一张用威化制成的出货单,上面写着“寄到1234 Birthday Lane”。

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2019, Fri



From veggies helping you to see in the dark to seeds sprouting into a tree inside your stomach, the world is full of weird – and completely untrue – food myths. In honour of those seven years, you categorically won’t have to wait to digest that swallowed gum, here’s seven debunked food myths.



Image by Karina Miranda via Unsplash  图片来自Unsplash

Gum takes seven years to digest  口香糖需要花七年才能消化

You’re eight years old. You’ve just blown a nice pink bubble with your incredibly artificial strawberry gum. And then it happens – you swallow your gum, and you’re doomed to the gum making an unwanted return when you’re fifteen. Rest easy eight-year-old you, as you won’t have had to live with your gum in your stomach for seven years; it takes just as long to digest as normal food.



Image by Gabriel Gurrola via Unsplash  图片来自 Unsplash

Carrots help you see in the dark 胡萝卜有利于提高夜间视力

They do contain vitamin A which is good for your eyes, however, you won’t develop night-vision by munching on them. The myth is said to have arisen around the time of World War Two, when the British Royal Air Force tried to keep their radar technology secret, by telling people carrots were the pilots’ secret weapon.



Image by pexels via pixabay 图片来自 pixabay

The 5-second rule  5秒规则

We’ve got news for you– those germs and bacteria aren’t patiently waiting for five seconds to pass before they pounce on the food you’ve dropped on the floor. They’ll be on that pizza slice in just a matter of milliseconds, but who are we to judge how clean your floor is?



Image by @foodess via Unsplash 图片来自Unsplash

Chocolate is an aphrodisiac  巧克力是催情剂

A box of chocolates might always be appreciated by your significant other, but unfortunately, there’s no scientific proof that it will liven either of you up after aromantic dinner.



Image by Edgar Castrejob via Unsplash 图片来自 Unsplash


Oranges are the best fruit for vitamin C 橙子是最富含维他命C的水果

There’s no doubting that oranges are good for you, but it’s a common misconception that they contain the most vitamin C out of most fruits. Weighing in at 57mg/100g, strawberries actually pack more of a vit-C punch than the 42mg/100g you’ll find in oranges – meaning just seven strawberries are enough for a daily immune system function.



Image by Amanda Millsvia Pixnio 图片来自Pixnio

You’ll burn more calories than you gain when eating celery 吃芹菜时,你获得的卡路里比你燃烧卡路里少

The green sticks are high in fibre and water content and low in calories, but you’d have to chew for a very long time to result in a calorie deficit. Sadly, there aren’t really any negative-calorie foods – but low-calorie veggies are naturally still a great place to start if you are trying to shift some kilograms.



Image by Benjamin Wong via Unsplash 图片来自Unsplash

An apple a day keeps the doctor away 每天一苹果,医生远离我

The clever people at Harvard Medical School beg to differ; apples are packed with health benefits and offer an alternative to processed snacks, but there’s little the humble fruits can do to keep you from regularly visiting the doctor – but there is evidence that regular apple-eaters use fewer prescription medicines than others.


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