Pizza for Charity 2021 – Doing Our Part to Help A Heart



We’re back!



                                                          It’s time for another round of helping children in need by eating delicious pizza!

You might remember from last August – your awesome work helped Geng Tianyi, born premature and diagnosed with congenital heart disease, get the surgery he needed to live his best life.

享受美味,助力慈善。去年我们帮助患有先天性心脏病的小朋友Geng Tianyi筹集到资金并成功进行了手术。

Three year old Geng Tianyi now has a healthy heart and loves playing with his older brother and sister and getting ready to start school. We’re so happy that we were able to help this family, all with the powers of pizza.

三岁的Geng Tianyi现已恢复健康,平时喜欢和哥哥姐姐一起玩耍,现在正准备开学。很高兴能和大家一起通过Pizza for Charity帮助他人。

*Visit Geng TianyiIn addition, we were also able to use those funds to provide corrective heart surgery for another child earlier this summer! 8 year old Su Xinyue was diagnosed with congenital heart disease during a school physical examination. She lived with her uncle and had little or no contact with her parents and no way to pay for the expensive surgery. Thanks to all your help she is recovering and ready for her future ahead!

此外我们还在今年夏天用筹集的资金为另一个孩子也提供心脏矫正手术!8岁的Su Xinyue在学校体检时被诊断出患有先天性心脏病。她和叔叔住在一起,与父母几乎没有联系,也没有办法支付昂贵的手术费用。感谢您的所有帮助,她正在康复并奔向美好未来!

                                                                                                                    *Su Xinyue

                                                                                                          A helping slice


                                                                                             Sherpa’s x Heart to Heart

It’s time to once again lend a helping hand and do our part to help those in dire need.

We’re calling for funds to sponsor even more heart surgeries!


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Sherpa’s is teaming up with the incredible Heart to Heart charity organization, our awesome partner restaurants, media partners and community partners to raise money for heart surgeries for children across China with congenital heart disease who don’t have the funds they need for treatment.
We’ll donate a portion of each and every single of these pizza orders between September 1st and September 30th directly to Heart to Heart.
Heart to Heart is a special fund of the Ren De Foundation. This Shanghai-based charity raises money to provide corrective surgery to Chinese children across the country with congenital heart disease.


To date, Heart to Heart has sponsored over 1,990 children for heart surgeries, helping to save their lives and transform the lives of their families too. Heart to Heart is a 100% volunteer organization with no paid employees and a ¥0 operating budget. 100% of all donations are spent on surgeries.


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We’re working with Heart to Heart to get these children the medical help they need and give them a chance to feel the joy of childhood – playing outside with other kids in the summer breeze, enjoying sports, and simply experiencing a normal life that so many of us take for granted.


After receiving the donation, Heart to Heart will work with their partner hospitals to carefully vet and review applications based on medical and financial need to select a child to undergo surgery. After a final round of tests, the child will receive medical treatment and stay in intensive care for recovery. Once they’re feeling better, we’ll pay a visit. Their journey to a whole new, happy, and healthy life has begun!


We would love for you to contact us if you’d like to say something to the children, send them a message, or even give them a gift.


Do your part to help a heart by eating great pizza. 


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In addition to Heart to Heart Shanghai, we’d also like to say thanks to Embassy of Italy Beijing for joining us in this good cause.

We’d like to express our sincere gratitude and say thank you to everyone who teamed up for this year’s Pizza for Charity fundraising event! Because of your great efforts, we’re able to raise funds to provide children with the life-saving heart surgeries they need!

A big shout out to our Media partners: Shanghai Expats, Thebeijinger, Chope, TimeOut Beijing, Any Help, Bon App, That’s, M&M Marketing & Events, and GoSu. A huge round of applause for our community parters: Rotaract Club of Shanghai, The Expatriate Center, JICDA, Swiss Club Shanghai, Wellcee, InterNations, Mutant Club, Shanghai Mamas, Expat Connection, Ascott, and Expat Services.

We really appreciate all your effort in helping to make this event a success. It’s very important for us to help the community and help make the world a better place one heart at a time. We’re proud to work with all our great partners and look forward to doing it again next year! Thank you!

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A big shout out as well to all our partner restaurants who are cooking up great pizza to mend hearts and make them beat stronger than ever.


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Thanks for your support! 

We couldn’t do it without you. 
