Win A Case Of Beer: World Cup Trivia Day Four

Sunday, June 15th France Vs. Honduras

Against which team has France lost 2 consecutive World Cup semi-finals?

a.    West Germany
b.    Italy
c.    Brazil
d.    Argentina

Aw jeez, its going to be a rough month of work and football. Were exhausted already, and the fun has just begun! Much
love to the masters of booze, Dxcel, for generously providing 24 cases of beer for our giveaways. Get this question right,
and a case of Estrella Damm might be yours. Well announce winners on Monday. Good luck, and check back again everyday
until the end of The World Cup for more chances at winning big. blog dexcle2-01

  1. Growing up in a former french colony, I remember those games and some “colorful” words my French friends had for the West German players 🙂
    a. West Germany

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