2019, Mon



Who remembers when that poncy English ‘chef’ Jamie Oliver invaded our school cafeterias to get rid of our beloved turkey twizzlers and cheese pizza? Remember how mad we were that he replaced all the delicious junk food with healthy, freshly prepared food?

Image via Giphy

That was only the start of a food revolution that swept the world and now people are more conscious of their eating habits than ever before. So here are some top trends driving change in the food industry:



Photo by Phuong Tran via Unsplash

No, we don’t mean see-through fries and edible glass. This is about consumers not just wanting to know where their food comes from but also knowing every ingredient that goes inside. If you find yourself flipping the back of a product to read the ingredients then you’re part of that change. Healthy food brands are focusing more on their origin stories and highlighting their ethical values, sustainability efforts and becoming more transparent to their customers, which sees other food corporations following suit.


Plant-based food

Photo by Lubo Minar via Unsplash

Fifteen years ago the thought of having a truly plant-based diet just didn’t seem feasible; it was costly, time-consuming and quite frankly a little boring. Now you can’t even step foot inside a Starbuck’s without somebody ordering a ‘Mocha Choca Green Tea Frappuccino Gluten Free Soy Milk Latte’, and as the consumer needs rapidly evolve food companies are putting fresh, plant-based foods to the forefront of their business.


Health and Wellness

Photo by Wesual Click via Unsplash

Switching to a 100% plant-based diet is not for everyone and some people can’t quite live without meat, fish, and dairy. Though, people are definitely more conscious of their health and where their meat and dairy is coming from. Products that have been popular for years are being changed by companies to contain less sugar, fewer preservatives and GMO free.



Photo by Saad Sharif via Unsplash

With all of the above considered, busy bodies don’t always have the patience or time to cook their food. This poses as a real challenge for food companies as they try to promote healthy ingredients combined with convenient cooking methods or ready-to-eat meals. With convenience also comes the trend of ready-prepared meals, healthy food delivery, and quick-cook recipes.

How have these trends changed the way you eat, order, and buy food? Comment below!

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pizza of love

2019, Wed



Ah, do you smell that?

sniff small

Credit: Giphy

No, not the car exhaust. The smell of love is in the air!


Credit: Giphy

You did remember to get your special someone a lovely gift for Valentine’s Day, right?

Well, it’s not too late. You can always prepare them a delicious dish from somewhere in the wide world of love. Better get to cooking, Valentine’ Day is almost here!

Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a sugary sweet baked treat, especially if it’s shaped like a heart.

heart shaped french pastries

We’d like to say ‘merci beaucoup’ to the French for this tasty idea.

Now that the sugar has woken up your significant other’s appetite, it’s time to move on to ‘the pizza of love.’

pizza of love

We think Dean Martin sang it right:

‘When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore!’

What to drink on Valentine’s Day? A lukewarm can of Tsingtao doesn’t exactly scream sophistication. Why not whip up a jug of rosewater lemonade? It’s quick, easy, and classy.

Rose Glass Bloom Blossom Water Essential Oils

Sweet sips!

Does your SO understand that it’s Valentine’s Day? Beat the love theme of Valentine’s Day right into their head with some beets. The beets will get their heartbeet beating. Whew, beets. Toss this delightful veggie right in a salad or on some roast pumpkin for great snack that kind of looks like an oozing heart. Perfect symbolism there.

beet salad

Hannibal would be happy.

Want to stay in love forever? Traditionally served at Chinese New Year feasts, longevity noodles are really, well, long. It’s the perfect dish to use to recreate that great scene from ‘Lady and the Tramp’ plus it helps you live to a ripe old age.

longevity noodles

Get ready to slurp.

Last but not least, it’s time to gain the power of love by consuming actual hearts. You don’t have to go full-out Khaleesi by eating a beating horse heart, but you can try munching on Japanese-style chicken heart teriyaki. It’s a lot easier than becoming a Dothraki queen vis-a-vis Game of Thrones.

japanese chicken heart teriyaki

You wouldn’t even know they were hearts if we didn’t tell you. We promise.

Alright, alright. Enough with the macabre.

Dessert Sweet Heart Cupcake Valentine's Day Food

Have a sweet Valentine’s Day!


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2018, Thu



Italy: the former seat of the Roman Empire, the birthplace of the Renaissance, the home of Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Donatello, and loaded with more UNESCO World Heritage sites than anywhere else in the world.

romeda vinci

But perhaps the most important: they make some seriously great food.

italian food small

We’re paying homage to the delicious country of Italy from May 14th-20th with a ton of great deals from our partner restaurants.

Check out some of these superb specials below.

Buon Appetito!

Gemma Italian Restaurant

gemma italian food week

Photo: TimeOutShanghai

Get a free il buco gelato ice cream with the purchase of a grilled Australian ribeye steak, super slow-cooked pork belly, herbed sauteed lamb chops, or a pan-fried turbot.

Topolino Pizza

topolino food week

Score a free margherita or pepperoni pizza with the purchase of any other pizza on their menu.


girasole food week

Photo: Dish Maps

Free just tastes better. You’ll snag a complimentary margarita pizza when you buy a delicious parma ham pizza.

The Terrace

the terrace food week

Dig into superb buy one get one free deals on caesar salad and margarita pizza!

brad pitt gratzi

Make sure to visit our webpage to see even more deals and place your orders!

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2018, Wed



All parents know exactly how important it is to feed their kids healthy meals. That means keeping fruit and vegetable snacks on hand, substituting refined products for whole-grains, and keeping Happy Meals out of sight. Easier said than done. Little humans are all new-food-phobic at some point. Just think back to your own childhood. Peas? Ew. Mushrooms? Never!


To give a helping hand to the busy parents of Shanghai, we’ve teamed up with our partner businesses to bring you kid friendly meal sets that are perfect for weekday dinners. Instead of spending time on grocery shopping and cooking, why don’t you relax with your loved ones at home while feasting on restaurant-quality food.

Here’s a selection of deals on offer:

pizza street family set

Pizza Street‘s Family Set B: 2 Pizza + 1 Salad + 4 Soft Drinks (¥198)

dodo whole chicken set

DODU‘s Promotion: Whole Chicken + 4 Soft Drinks (¥320)

hop project set

The Hop Project / Co. Cheese‘s Family Set: 2 Gourmet Cheese Melts + 2 Classic Grilled Cheese + 750ml Sendero Wine (¥250)

southern barbarian set

Southern Barbarian‘s Family Set C: Stir-Fried Spicy Chicken + Braised Pork Rice Noodles + Tofu Sheet + Braised Sweet & Sour Pork Spareribs + Mashed Fava Beans + Stir-Fried Broccoli + 4 Rice (¥198)

To check out the deals near you, click on “Read more” below. Wishing you very satisfying and timely food deliveries!

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