It’s Riesling’s Birthday – Let’s Drink Great Deals on Wine!


From Today through the 26th, we’re hosting a Sherpa’s Riesling Day special. A bit of a misnomer, as our ‘day’ is 2 weeks long, but we don’t think you’ll mind great deals on great wine going for a long time. 

雷司令Riesling是德国最重要的葡萄品种。“雷司令”一词首次被历史记载于 1435 年 3 月 13 日,约翰四世伯爵购买了一些葡萄枝,并将其种在法兰克福附近的吕塞尔斯海姆市的葡萄园上。在销售文件中,“雷司令”这个词有史以来第一次被书面记载。

Riesling is a well-loved and one of the most important grape vareties in Germany. The term ‘Riesling’ was first recorded in the history books after Earl Johann IV purchased vine shoots and planted them in his vineyards in the town of Rüsselsheim near Frankfurt, Germany 588 years ago on March 13th, 1435.


Thanks to that single event, Germany is considered the homeland of Riesling, with 45% of the world’s Riesling grapes grown here. Riesling is considered synonymous with German wine, and almost a quarter of German vineyards plant it.

Ok, enough of the history lesson. Let’s celebrate Riesling’s Birthday!  


Join the fun and raise a glass of Riesling! Proßt!

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