
The COVID Recap: A Trip to Disney Causes Plenty of Lock-downs

On the morning of November 3rd, the Shanghai Health Commission reported 1 local COVID-19 case, 2 local asymptomatic cases, and 22 imported cases were detected, including 20 asymptomatic cases.
Disney Case causes chaos…

While Disney theme parks might be known as ‘The Happiest Places on Earth’, a single trip to Disney in Shanghai has led to a whole lot of misery.

A fun trip to the theme park for a young woman living in Pudong led to the gates of the Disney Resort being closed at 11:30am on Halloween with 30,000 people inside. All attendees of the amusement park had to submit to COVID testing and receive a negative result before being let out while a frenzy of contact tracing has pinged health codes across the entire city and beyond while building after building has been locked down. All the contact testing has once again overwhelmed the city’s quarantine hotels and brought back the threat of fangcang quarantine. 


Any fun seekers who visited Disney between October 27th and the 30th have been told to report to authorities, avoid contact with others, and take a COVID test every day for three days.

Needless to say, Disney has been completely shut down for the foreseeable future. 

Read Shanghai Disney Resort full statement below:


*Picture from Shanghai Disney Resort

It’s probably a good idea to avoid large gatherings of people and stick to home as much possible to avoid being caught up in all this. 

Stay safe, everyone! One day this will all pass.