May Holiday Dine-In Shut Down – Get Delivery Instead

Breaking news! To curb the spread of COVID-19, the Beijing government has called for all restaurants to stop dine-in services from May 1st through the 4th during the holiday.  


We know everyone was looking forward to getting out of their apartments and spending time at their favourite restaurants during the break, but unfortunately COVID is messing things up (again).

Stay safe, grab a bottle of wine, toss on a movie, order in, and Sherpa’s orange-clad couriers will bring your favourite dishes right to your front door.


Starting today, order SLIDER NATION, LAMPONOSAUR, DUNKIN, Istanbul Turkish BBQ, and more from Sherpa’s to score DELIVERY FEES STARTING FROM¥9.

Even if you’re stuck staying safe at home, there’s no reason not to eat and drink well. Hang in there, everyone! We will make it through this.