Ice Cream Might Just Make Your Blueberry Pie Healthier

It’s a hot summer day. You just ordered a slice of blueberry pie and are guiltily trying to decide whether or not to splurge on a scoop of ice cream. Don’t feel bad, just order it!


via picky palate

Not only does the rich, creamy, and cool accents of the ice cream pair well with the sweet fruit and warm, crisp crust, but ice cream might also make your dessert healthier.


via giphy

This is not sponsored by Ben & Jerry’s, Haagen-Dazs, or Baskin Robbins.

这篇文章可不是由Ben&Jerry’s、哈根达斯或Baskin Robbins赞助的哦。

Chinese researchers recently published a study in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry that found that proteins in cow’s milk protected natural anthocyanins found in blueberries during digestion.


Anthocyanins have been previously shown to have antioxidant properties, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of certain types of cancers. The problem is, only very small amounts of these nutrients are absorbed by the body, most are lost during digestion.


However, researchers found that certain proteins in cow’s milk interacted with and protected the anthocyanin molecules, improving stability in the intestines and increasing the probability of making it to the bloodstream.


When researchers conducted experiments on rats, the combination of milk proteins and blueberries increased the levels of anthocyanins and related metabolites by 1.5 to 10 times the level of just blueberries alone.

当研究人员对老鼠进行实验时,牛奶蛋白和蓝莓的组合使花青素和相关代谢物的水平增加了只单独摄入蓝莓水平的 1.5 到 10 倍。


via healthline

Anyone want to sign up for the human version of this trial? Sherpa’s is definitely in! We’ve always believed in the benefits of blueberry pie and ice cream!
