Beijing will soon follow suit on Shanghai’s mandatory household garbage sorting regulations, although with different garbage classification standards. Punishments for failing to properly sort garbage will be no less than those in Shanghai.
Beijing is taking concrete steps to promote garbage sorting and has achieved tangible results as preparations for the official launch of a city-wide mandatory regulation taking effect in May.
People are required to sort household garbage into the following four categories—
Kitchen Waste – green bins
厨余垃圾 – 绿色桶
Includes: fruits, vegetables, green leaves, egg shells, chicken bones, fish bones & tea leaves
Recycable Waste – blue bins
可回收物 – 蓝色桶
Includes: paper, plastic, glass, metal, electronic waste & fabric
Hazardous Waste – red bins
有害垃圾 -红色桶
Includes: lamps, mercury thermometers, out-dated drugs/medicine, oil paints & cosmetics
Other Waste – gray bins
其他垃圾 – 灰色桶
Includes: nut shells, cigarette butts, food bags, dust, sanitary items & large bones