
QUEER EYE Sparks Gay Pride in Japan《粉雄救兵》最新季绽放日本

Queer Eye, the 7-time winner of Emmy Awards for Netflix series, has launched a new season this November. This time, they left the English-speaking world, and planned an unprecedented trip to JAPAN!


Guided by international supermodel Kiko Mizuhara, the Fab Five (five talented gay lifestyle experts) visited their brand-new clients while speaking a different language. It’s a great adventure for them and also a clash between more conservative oriental and more open western culture.

拥有东西方双重文化背景的国际名模水原希子出任这一季的文化向导,带领Fab 5五人在不同的语言环境中进行创意改造。

The famous Japanese comedian Naomi Watanabe, who has 8.9 million followers in Instagram, also guest stars in this season. Her performance in the series will make you burst into both laughter and tears.


In case you never watched the show before, let us introduce you to the amazing Fab Five who are in charge of the clients’ makeovers.

如果你之前还对《粉雄救兵》这个节目从来没有了解过,那一定要先来认识一下Fab 5这五位有趣到爆的同志改造师!


Antoni Porowski- Food and wine expert

         Antoni Porowski- Food and wine expert



Tan France- Fashion expert



Karamo Brown- Culture expert



Jonathan Van Ness- Grooming expert



Bobby- Design Expert


Each one of the Fab Five used to face difficulties dealing with problems of their sexual identities. However, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, happily they survived their dark times. So, the Fab Five brings the clients more than a makeover, but also confidence, attitude, happiness, and kindness.

Fab 5的这五个人尽管在节目里表现得自信又风趣,但是他们也曾像绝大多数委托人一样经历过不同的自我认知困境。然而,Fab 5没有被困境击倒,反而越挫越勇,这才造就了他们在节目中的精彩绽放。他们带给委托人的不仅是形象上的改变,更是一次对自信心、生活态度的全方位改造。

Netflix released 4 episodes together in November 1st, so you don’t have to anxiously wait week by week. Four clients represent the four typical kinds of people living in Japan.



In the first episode, the client is a lovely 57-year-old woman called Yoko who works in hospice center as a nurse. Yoko has devoted her life to helping others and bringing them happiness, so she ignored her own pursuit of life. She wore a beanie and dressed like a nanny all the time. After the makeover, she perms her hair and dresses way more fashionably. She is no longer afraid of hugging. Her confidence is soaring while her goodness remains.

在第一集里,委托人是一位57岁的临终关怀护士Yoko。Yoko工作中浑身散发着跟年龄不同的俏皮可爱,但是这同样使得她总是无暇顾及自己的生活。Fab 5通过各个维度全方位的改造,让她看起来至少年轻20岁。焕然一新的她不再畏惧拥抱,善良的她同时增添了一份自信。

In the other episodes, you can see a client called Kan who is gay. He studied in Australia in college, but when he came back to Japan he still had to face the common nonacceptance of the gay community in conservative oriental culture.

在其他集里,你还能看到从澳大利亚留学回国后的Kan,因为自己的同志身份而无法立刻适应日本保守的社会氛围。经过与Fab 5的相处,他不再隐藏自己,唤醒了内心最勇敢的一面。

You can also learn about a client called Kae who is an illustrator. She lives with her mom and wasn’t treated as an independent woman. There’s also a client named Makoto, who is an otaku (a geeky type stereotype common in Japan), who had trouble leading a normal life with her wife.


Living in China, we believe you can find similarities in this season with experiencing totally different culture in an unfamiliar country. Just satisfy a craving with five amazing gay experts and their lovely clients! The whole season is now available both on Netflix and Bilibili.com.

中国与日本许多文化同源,相信这季《粉雄救兵》一定能带给你很多共鸣。跟着Fab 5一起经历这季与众不同的改造之旅吧!Netfilx和Bilibili都已上线~