
The Five Most Ridiculous Burgers Around 五种最令人喷饭的汉堡

Did everyone enjoy the first week of our beefy Sherpa’s burger fest?


Image via Giphy 图片来自Giphy

With all the talk (and ordering) of great burgers, our minds are completely inundated with these morsels of joy. We started searching for the craziest, most ridiculous, and most creative burgers we could find on the internet. Check it out:


The Absolutely Ridiculous Burger



Via 图片来自

Yes, this is the real name of this burger and yes, it’s absolutely ridiculous. It once held the world record for largest burger you could actually order at a restaurant. You better make sure you bring your entire family and all your friends though – it’s over 3ft (1m) tall and weighs 338lb (153kg). It features 30lbs (13.6kg) of bacon and tomato, 36lbs of cheese (16.3kg), and 15lbs (6.8kg) of lettuce. Think you can take it down by yourself? It’s a hefty 540,000 calories aka enough for 200 days for a single person.


Douche Burger



Via 图片来自

Got a little bit of cash that’s burning a hole in your wallet? New York City’s 666 Burger Food Truck created the Douche Burger just for you. For only $666 (¥4,780), you can score foie gras-stuffed Kobe beef covered with melted gruyere (melted from steamed champagne), lobster, caviar, truffles, and bbq sauce made from civet cat coffee beans.


Krispy Kreme Burger



Via pinterest 图片来自 pinterest

Whoever thought of this is like a mad scientist. They’re a genius, but also dangerously crazy. Just swap out the buns of a regular burger and replace them with glazed sugar doughnuts from Krispy Kreme to get this monster. The thought of the sweet and savoury juxtaposition really makes us want to try it.

这像是一个科学怪人想出来的东西。他们是天才,也是个危险的疯子。换掉普通汉堡的面包,用用来自Krispy Kreme的釉面糖甜甜圈来代替它们,这个奇葩就产生了。甜味和咸味混合,会让你忍不住想尝试一下。

S’More than Words Burger



Via yelp 图片来自 yelp

Here’s another take on the sweet + savoury burger combo. The Floridian restaurant Midtown Caboose has topped a regular ole’ beef patty with the staple of American campfire dessert – s’mores. They’ve added graham crackers, melted Hershey’s chocolate bars, and plenty of marshmallows. If that’s not enough to get your blood sugar levels elevated, the bread is also infused with cocoa. Your doctor will be happy.

这是另一个甜咸结合的汉堡。佛罗里达餐厅Midtown Caboose将ole的牛肉饼配上了经典的美国篝火甜品-S‘Morres。他们在里面添加了格雷厄姆饼干,融化得好时巧克力棒,和大量的棉花糖。如果这还不足以使你的血糖升高的话,那告诉你面包也会被注入可可哦。我想你的医生会很高兴的。

Ramen Burger



Via seriouseats 图片来自seriouseats

We’re a little behind the trendy times, the ramen burger was created in  New York City by Keizo Shimamoto way back in 2013. We’ve got to give him mad props for the pure creativity of this burger and how his invention sparked interest and quickly spread across the world. We even tried one in Shanghai.

我们可能有点跟不上潮流,拉面汉堡是2013年由Keizo Shimamoto在纽约市创建的。我们得认可他对这个汉堡惊人的创造力,他的发明成功激起人们的兴趣,并迅速传播到世界各地。我们甚至在上海试过一次。

What’s the craziest/most creative/most ridiculous burger you’ve ever heard of or tried? Let us know in the comments below!


If you’re like us and have burgers on the brain, make sure to check out our Burger Fest to enjoy great deals and more.



Our love of burgers is what led us to dedicate an entire three weeks (Sept. 2 – 22nd) to celebrate these magical meals with deals, prize giveaways, and more! Plus many of our partner restaurants are helping you wash those beefy burgers down with deals on good beer. Cheers!

正是由于我们对汉堡的热爱,我们才花了整整三个星期的时间(9月9号至22号 )用促销和投票评选等来庆祝这些美妙的食物!此外,我们的许多合作伙伴餐厅都推出了各种啤酒促销活动,便于大家搭配汉堡享用。干杯!


To find a list of deals in your city just open the Sherpa’s App and tap the deals icon, for all our other events going on during Burger Fest just click the banner on the homepage of the Sherpa’s App!

只需打开Sherpa’s APP并点击促销图标,就能找到你所在城市的美味,对于我们在汉堡包节期间正在进行的所有其他活动,只需单击Sherpa’s APP主页上的横幅即可!

crazy9 crazy10

Yum. 真香。