
11-Year-Old Opens Pop-Up Caribbean Restaurant 11岁的他开了一家加勒比快闪餐厅

Picture via Kennedy News and Media 
图片来自 Kennedy News and Media
You’re 11 years old. You’re probably worrying about catching the school bus home, and getting your homework done in time so you can go and play. Not Omari McQueen – this young man has opened his very own pop-up restaurant, at the tender age of 11 years old. The pop-up –which opened in Boxpark food market hall in South London – specialises in vegan Caribbean food, including rice-and-peas dishes, and fried plantains.
假设你十一岁。你很可能担心的是搭不上回家的校车以及尽快完成作业去玩耍。Omari McQueen却不是这样,这个年轻人在11岁就已经开了自己的快闪餐厅。这家店开在伦敦南部的Boxpark美食集市,主营加勒比素食餐,包括豌豆米饭和炸芭蕉等。
Image via Wikimedia Commons 
图片来自 Wikimedia Commons
So how and why did this enterprising young man start his culinary journey? It started when Omari’s mum became ill with strong migraines, and no longer able to cook. With Omari’s dad out working and older brother having no interest in cooking, Omari took it upon himself to start rustling up food for his family, from as young as seven years old.
 Picture via Kennedy News and Media 
图片来自 Kennedy News and Media
As for the vegan side of Omari’s business – he decided to ditch his meat-eating ways after seeing vegan campaign videos online, and can now encourage more people to do the same with his green Caribbean cuisine.
Picture via Kennedy News and Media 
图片来自 Kennedy News and Media
The pop-up debut – which was provided rent-free for the week by the very impressed food market CEO – is Omari’s second venture into Caribbean cuisine. He’s started his own vegan Caribbean sauce company called Dipalicious, the same name of his new pop-up. With cousins and grandparents on hand to help Omari, we’re sure he’ll go a long way one with his eco-conscious Caribbean. But for now – he’s still enjoying his football and video games.
Story via 故事来源