simply whisked

5 Insanely Delicious Iced Coffee Drinks for Summer

Summer seems to have finally arrived in Shanghai. Yay! While you’re not too busy rubbing off sweat from – insert body part – try your hand at making one of these caffeinated drinks in the list below. Whether you like it sweet and light, or strong and black, iced coffee will be the name of the game this season.popsugar

Photo source: Popsugar

Espresso Tonic

Sick of the plain Americano? It’s about time you take it up a notch. Simply mix a fizzy glass of tonic water with a long shot of espresso for a refreshing energy spike. Unexpected? Yes. Delicious? Absolutely.

the little kitchen

Photo source: The Little Kitchen

Vietnamese Coffee Boba

One for all the bubble tea addicts out there. This version features chewy tapioca pearls in sweet and creamy Vietnamese coffee, almost doubling up as a snack. We recommend it against humidity and afternoon slump!

bon appetit

Photo source: Bon Appetit

Dublin Iced Coffee

What happens when you mix coffee with Guinness and whiskey? Danger! High voltage. Adulthood can be stressful, so treat yourself to a highball glass full of coffee, stout, booze, and some syrup. It goes down pretty fast – proceed with caution!

how sweet eats

Photo source: How Sweet Eats

Fresh Mint Iced Coffee

Spiked with fresh mint leaves, your cup of Joe has never tasted fresher before. While this recipe requires making a simple syrup from scratch, feel free to buy a bottle of cold brew from your local coffee shop. In any case, minty iced coffee is what we’ll be pouring out to friends and fam this summer.

simply whisked

Photo source: Simply Whisked

Toasted Coconut Shakerato

We’re getting fancy here, huh? Coconut pairs well with coffee, and to give it a little extra oomph, this drink calls for oven-toasted flakes. Topped with a generous scoop of whipped cream, this Italian-style drink is a treat you’ll want to sip on all day long.

Thirsty? Check out other coffee drinks and more yum stuff on Sherpa’s APP by scanning the QR code below.

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