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5 Comfort Foods to Keep You Warm This Winter

Shanghai isn’t exactly the winter wonderland that you’ve always dreamed of, with weather just about as consistent as your VPN. However, one thing that’s for sure is that it’s cold and for that reason we’ve decided to provide you with a list of 5 foods that will fill you up and warm those weary bones of yours.

1. Dumplings


No brainer, really. It’s probably one of the first Chinese dishes you had here and it’s popular especially in the winter for a reason. You can always count on a plate of steaming jiaozi to warm you up and challenge your chopstick-handling skills. Dunk a few of those in a nice mix of lajiao with vinegar and you’ll thaw out pretty fast.

2. Borscht


If it’s good enough to warm the heart of Putin then it’s got to work for you! This Ukrainian babushka classic is sure to take the edge off any chilly day. Get a solid helping of veggies from this beetroot soup and top it off with a massive dollop of sour cream and dill.

3. Nachos


This masterpiece of a dish needs no introduction. A beautiful mosaic of toppings and layers upon layers of cheese. Fresh out of the oven, a good batch of nachos will bring the heat of Mexico to your table (or couch more realistically). Add jalapenos for aesthetic purposes and a spicy kick.

4. Goulash


The pride of Hungary. You’ll often encounter a broad range of variations of this dish but no matter what goulash will keep you toasty and leave you stuffed. Stew and winter go hand in hand.

5. Hot Pot


Not just a meal, also a fun activity. Throw whatever will fit into a fiery broth and you’ll quickly forget that it’s cold outside. Make hot pot a social activity by inviting some friends and playing a bit of roulette with some questionable ingredients. You may spend some time on the toilet but at least you’re not freezing anymore.

Honourable mentions:

Chicken Noodle Soup, Butter Chicken, Poutine, Plov.

Don’t let this winter get you down, incorporate some of these dishes and you’ll learn to love the season. For best results wash it all down with hot chocolate or perhaps some mulled wine!