Baobei Spring Lunch Fundraiser at Mr Willis

On Tuesday, April 21st, Mr Willis will be hosting their 4th annual Spring Lunch. Each year they volunteer a fully-serviced luncheon event to raise money for the Baobei Foundation. This fantastic charity group raises money to finance surgeries and post-surgical rehabilitation for Chinese orphans with life-threatening birth defects.

After raising 35,000rmb for several surgeries for Baby Titus, the Baobei Foundation needs your help again. This year, all fundraising efforts will be to aid Baby Brian who has hydrocephalus (fluid buildup in the brain).
To help with this wonderful cause, please purchase tickets from Mr Willis Restaurant. The tickets are 400rmb per person and include a great lunch with friends & volunteers of the Baobei Foundation. You will have a chance to win a 500rmb Sherpa’s voucher, along with some other prizes, in the hopes of raising the most possible for Baby Brian.

For reservations, please contact:
Call: Mr Willis 5404 0200
Tiffany 138 1735 5775


Baobei Foundation