2014 Evening Minimum Order

Ok, we feel like we’re going to get some negative points for this one, starting January 1st, 2014 we are going to implement an evening minimum order. This means from 6 pm onwards there will be a 100 rmb minimum order. We’re not getting greedy. This is to speed up the system during our busy times. Remember, if you order between 1 – 6 pm then not only will there be no delivery fees, there will also be no minimum order. If you’re looking for ways to hit the 100 rmb, you can always stock up on booze for the weekend. Keep that in mind.

Order Sherpa‘s Online: www.sherpa.com.cn


  1. Disgraceful and blatant attempt to rip off customers, I have a strong feeling you will regret risking your excellent long-term reputation for short-term gain.

    1. We found that slow and cold food due to increased demand was hurting our long-term reputation, hence the new policies. We agree that the 100 rmb minimum can be a bit of a slap, but that is exactly why we extended the happy hour.

  2. Maybe add a donation (for good cause – not to sherpa pocket 😉 ) button up to 5 rmb or so in case ones order end’s up with rmb 98 or so 🙂

    1. You can always buy some more cutlery packs for 1 rmb each to boost the total, and we donate half of that to Jane Goodall’s Roots And Shoots charity. Or you can get a beer or soft drink for yourself.

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