Do St. Patrick’s Day in high style at the Shangri-La. We have a table of ten to give away for this year’s big St. Patrick’s Day ball. You’ll be coolest guy/gal in your crew as tickets are extremely hard to come by and the table is worth 15,000 rmb! All you have to do is guess how many people will be attending the ball for your chance to win. We need your answers in by March 1st as the ball is on March 15th. Good luck!
Order Sherpa‘s Online:
Edit – Originally the contest was running until March 10th, but we realized the winner would need more advance time to get their crew of 10 together, so we changed the end date to March 1st.
Edit – We have a two-way tie for the grand prize. The winner will be decided by the closing points of the NYSE Composite (New York Stock Exchange Paul and Raphael both guessed the correct number of 780. If the last digit of the NYSE closing number is odd then Paul wins, if even then Raphael wins.