It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas Events 圣诞节的脚步越来越近.


content via Greenwave

It’s past time to turn the page on your calendar, December is already here!

Or instead of December, a better way to put it might just be Christmas month. It’s a shame that the actual holiday is only one day, but there’s no reason we can’t enjoy the holiday spirit all year round.

You might’ve already seen us post our events on Moments. We have a busy two weekends planned right before winter break starts for the kids and the rest of the month becomes family time. And we invite you to join in!

赶快查看一下日历,因为12月已经到来了—— 本月的主题是圣诞节。尽管真正的假日只有几天的时间,但是欢乐时光可以一直伴随我们度过2019年。各位小伙伴可能已经留意到我们发布的一些精彩活动了—— 我们精心准备了连续两个周末的丰富内容,现在邀请大家参与。

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Events all the way…




One Night in Macao


December 6th, 7PM-11PM

 Embassy of Canada, 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District

On the December 6th from 7-11pm, the Embassy of Canada presents their annual Christmas event – “One Night in Macao.” This is a charity event with all proceeds going to good causes both in China and Canada. The night will include good spirited games such as poker, blackjack, roulette, and many others. There will also be drinks and niblets available and local businesses will be donating prizes for the event.


BritCham Christmas Party


December 6th, 5:30PM

  Fengtai, Chaoyangmen Outer St, 1号京广中心

This Christmas, the Rosewood Hotel will be hosting the annual festive party for the British Chamber of Commerce on Friday, December 6th. Greenwave will be sponsoring one Alatai drinking water purifier with one year’s maintenance covered. The winner of the lucky draw can enjoy this prize till next Christmas, for free! There will be over 300 attendees from the UK and China, it’s time to relax and enjoy time well-spent with your friends and colleagues.


Italian Christmas


December 7th, 2:30PM-6:30PM

 No. 1-2. Shoubi Hutong, Dongcheng District


Veneti di Cina invites you to join their Italian Christmas on December 7th. It’s exactly like it sounds – if you want to start the Christmas festivities early with Italian flair, come on over – it’s free entry with activities for kids. Greenwave will be enjoying the reasonably priced drinks and Italian baked goods with you… see if you win a ClearFall X from the lucky draw!

Veneti di Cina诚挚邀请大家参加本月7日举办的意大利圣诞活动-赶快来意大利集市吧!免入场费,而且有专门为孩子们准备的精彩游戏。Greenwave届时会和大家一起享用价格公道的意大利美酒和美食-猜猜谁会赢得我们提供的全新ClearFall X 淋浴器呢?

Christmas Fayre &
German Market


December 7th, 4PM-8PM

 9 Anhua St, Shunyi, Beijing, China

The BSB Shunyi Christmas Fayre and German Market are joining forces this year to create a beautiful Christmas extravaganza for you. On Saturday, December 7th at the British School of Beijing, there will be plenty of Christmas delights to enjoy and fun to be had, so be sure to stop by!


Startup Market’s

Christmas Party


December 7th, 1PM-7PM

 No.48 Haidian West St. Haidian District, Beijing

The Christmas Party for the Startup Community this year will include a wide range of different events for everyone this festive season. Savour everything from delicious hot waffles and other culinary delights to mulled wine and hot chocolate to keep you warm. There will also be a bazaar with vendors providing even more Christmas treats and even a movie venue specifically setup for playing endless classical Christmas movies. Tickets are only ¥69, so make sure to swing by Innoway on the afternoon of December 7th.

Startup Community(初创社区)今年的圣诞活动会给大家带来不少的惊喜-新鲜出炉的华夫饼、各种风味的美食和小吃、香气扑鼻的美酒和热巧克力,给寒冷的冬天带来一丝温暖。集市上众多的商家会给大家提供更多选择的圣诞礼品,届时还会有精心安排的圣诞主题电影放映区。所有的这一切仅需69元-就在本月7号下午,赶快到北京Innoway集合吧!

CIS Charity Bazaar


December 8th, 10AM-3PM

 38 Liangmaqiao Rd, San Yuan Qiao, Chaoyang

The Canadian International School’s Christmas Bazaar will be held on

December 8th from 10am to3pm. It will be a lovely day out, but cold, so bundle up and enjoy a cup (or two) of mulled wine! There will be plenty of activities to get involved with for the kids and adults including musical events, arts and crafts, and plenty more!


Zéro Distance 

Christmas Market

December 13th-14th, 11AM-8PM

 No.7 East 3rd Ring Road, Chaoyang District

Zéro Distance is once again hosting a Christmas Market to promote French culture! This December brings around the 7th edition of their Christmas Market with even more French artisans and brands up for display. There’s nothing better than a leisurely stroll after a meal, and if French culture piques your interest, mark down December 13 & 14th on your calendar.


Zéro Distance(零距离)将于本月再度举办法国风情的圣诞集市-为大家呈现他们精心设计的该系列活动的第七个版本:届时将会有更多的法国艺术工匠和他们的品牌参与展出,帮助大家更好的了解法国文化生活。茶余饭后来逛逛也是不错的选择-如果您有兴趣,别忘了本月13号和14号过来签到打卡就对了。

Show up and have fun!