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How often should adults get a physical examination? It’s a common question and one that many people cringe to think about. Most believe it’s important to get an annual physical. The problem is that part of them actually do. Some of this is a result of people being unsure as to how often they should get a physical examination.
If you tend to see your doctor only when you’re sick, you may be shortchanging your health. Annual wellness visits can help spot potential problems before they get serious. Plus, it’s important to keep track of key measurements over time.
Photo credit: PIC11514
What should people of different age groups check additionally? Check it out here.
Aged 20-30
You begin to concern about body mass index(BMI), defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height. It is universally expressed in units of kg/m2.
It indicates that you are overweight if the result is over 24, and obese if the result is greater than 28. People who are obese, stressed or busy at social engagements should check their blood pressure, blood sugar and blood fat routinely.
Photo credit: PIC11118
Women should have gynecological checkup every year, including cervical cancer screening that entails pap smear and HPV tests. Pap smear should be done every three years at least. As for the HPV test, if the initial test result shows negative, women who have had sexual intercourse are recommended to do it three to five years later.
Aged 30-40
You will have a successful career at this stage. But you may experience health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood fat, fatty liver because of overeating and a lack of exercise.
Paying more attention to your blood pressure and blood sugar.
Photo credit: PIC10445
Men are advised to do prostate exam every one or two years after the age of 35. Meanwhile women need to pay additional attention to their breasts.
If there is a history of cancers in your family, you need to be on guard against nodules and tumors and do health screening early.
Take gastroenteric tumor for example, if you are in high-risk group or there is a family medical history, you should have reexamination three to five years after the first exam which shows no anabrosis and tumour in your stomach and no polyps in the large intestine. However, if there are anabrosis or polyps, you should check annually.
Aged 40-50
Bone mineral density(BMD) and heart and cerebral vessels should be the first priority at this stage, especially for the post-menopausal women who tend to have high risk of osteoporosis. Thus, BMD should be a routine physical examination.
Photo credit: PIC10038
People with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease should do ECG, carotid artery ultrasound, coronary arteriography, etc.. Those who do not have such diseases are recommended to do carotid artery ultrasound after 45 and those who have high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood fat should undergoing carotid artery ultrasound when they are 40.
Cancer begin to emerge at this period. Women should concern about their breasts and gynecopathy. And men should watch out gastrointestinal issues as they have more social engagements than women, which brings damage to intestines and stomach.
Aged 50-60
Focusing more on brain, heart, intestine and stomach. People with heart and cerebral vessels diseases should consider doing echocardiography.
Photo credit: PIC11497
If there is tumor, block or bleeding, you should have spiral CT or MRI every two or three years.
Being alert to atrophic gastritis, intestinal polyp, chronic gastric ulcer because they might develop into cancers. Paying more attention to hepatic and renal function as well.
If you do or have smoked, get an ultrasound to screen for abdominal aortic aneurysms.
Aged over 60
People with high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood fat are liable to have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, so they need to go through coronary artery CT, brain CT, etc..
Photo credit: PIC10014
Male should undergoing prostate ultrasound and PSA test especially.
Women, in addition to the examinations for cervix, uterine adnexa, mammary gland and bone mineral density, should check thyroid function and do thyroid ultrasound.
Both men and women should pay attention to their eyes and ears to prevent lesions.
About US:
Renai hospital is the first private hospital, established in Shanghai in 2001. Renai pioneered the introduction of personalized care to healthcare service sector. In an era when quality health care services had been in inaccessible for most, Renai hospital made revolutionary changes that guaranteed the access to quality health service for every income group in Shanghai.
Health Hotline: (8621) 5489 3781
Address: No.127, Caoxi Rd. Xuhui District. Shanghai