BJ Winning Wednesday: A Bottle of Santa Mia Cabernet Sauvignon

This week contest is better known as Winning Winesday as we’re giving away one bottle of Santa Mia Cabernet Sauvignon to one lucky winner.

本周Winning Winesday活动我们将抽取一位幸运儿,送出一瓶Santa Mia Cabernet Sauvignon。

To get your hands on it all you need to do is visit our WeChat account by scanning the following QR Code and commenting ‘I Love Wine’!


This bottle comes from Central Valley in Chile and is an intense ruby red color. In the nose predominate notes of red and black fruits such as strawberries, blueberries and blackberries, accompanied by hazelnut, chocolate, coffee and vanilla show. In the mouth, the wine comes in friendly with development of great volume, present tannins and firm. It has high acidity and long finish complementing a fruity finish. It’s the perfect accompaniment to most red meats including lamb and beef.


Comment ‘I Love Wine’ for chance to win it – good luck!

想要获得奖品就在文末留言“I Love Wine”吧,祝你好运哟!


If you’re not lucky enough to win it then find it in our Sherpa’s App under the Wine, Beer, & More section at a promotional price!
