Shanghai: Work Hard, Eat Right: Sets for Two Now on Sherpa’s

What’s for dinner?

The question that can turn friends into enemies, tear up happy couples, and disrupt family relationships. Every. Single. Night. According to The New York Post, the average American couple spends 132 hours a year deciding what to eat. Having crunched the numbers for you, that’s about 5.5 days. Damn, does it add up quick.

You could easily spend all this time on…


Watching every episode of Friends.

pinot grigot small

Joining a traditional Buddhist meditation retreat.

reading cat

Learning a new skill.

Why don’t you take the pressure off and browse through Sherpa’s new meal sets for two? We’ve got some pretty awsome deals going on this month that are ideal for sharing (and caring).

work hard eat right

Here’s a selection of dishes that should help you figure out what’s for dinner tonight. Some are naughty, some packed with organic greens. There’s something for every taste.

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Holyhigh‘s Double Set: Tuna & Coddled Egg Energy Bowl + Southeast Asian Curry Chicken Salad + Provencal Knight Juice + California Sunshine Juice (¥125)

hop project set

The Hop Project / Co. Cheese‘s Set for Two: 2 Gourmet Cheese Melts + 2 Bottles of Beer (¥150)

white castle set

White Castle‘s Castle Bombo: 2 Black Truffle Cheeseburger Sliders; 2 Mango Avocado Chicken Sliders; 2 Double Cheese Sliders; 6 Chicken Rings; Jalapeno Cheddar Fries; 3 Fried Mozzarella Sticks; 2 Cokes & Ketchup (¥100)

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WHEAT‘s Promotion: 2 Spinach & Feta Omelette + 3 Sweet Potato Pancakes (¥140)

To check out the deals near you, visit our website!

We wish you satisfying and timely food deliveries!