Look at our Blog: Win Wine!

Awesome! How cool is our new blog? We’re riding a digital high and feeling fine – who wants some wine? We’re giving away three bottles of Gremamdise wine to celebrate. Simply tell us one thing you like about the new blog design and one thing you don’t like/think could be improved/would like to see. We’ll pick three winners for one bottle of wine each (if there are less than three comments, lucky you!) Get your entries in before Friday for your chance to win. Cheers.



  1. nice! way more user friendly/intuitive than the old blog. My favorite part is being able to choose a city filter on the top of the page. But I think the header between each blog post is way too big – too much space between posts and too much scrolling. (But good thinking with the “back to top” button!)

  2. Definitely happy to see you a new design! To be honest, I can’t judge the difference as I subscribe to your posts in my RSS reader. However, it seems to be very smooth and loads fast. Keep updating your loyal customers on the latest Sherpa’s happenings! 😉

  3. Liking the redesign. Looks more inviting and less 1990s GeoCities. Seems like there are still some kinks to work out, but looks good and feels good.

    Also, if I was a pirate, I would be inclined to state that the blog looks an ARRRful lot better that it did before. But I’m not a pirate.

  4. Love the new blog; it looks awesome and very festive!!! The upper right new categories (account, about, etc.) are nice, so are the location options.

    Improvements: speed wise, it’s not as fast as the old one. (Maybe my computer or internet issue, but tried to load it with and without VPN). Noticeable speed difference.
    Could add the online chat option from the order site onto this blog as well. Maybe something on the side with today’s post titles or a summary of the day would be nice.
    Overall, very nice change!

  5. Very clean design, and I like the color scheme. Scrolling through deals takes a while but I guess that’s just the style of the blog?

    1. It’s because we have so many deals! Try clicking the contests, blog and events buttons to skip the deals.

  6. I love that the blog has an identity – orange theme screams sherpas! Easy to scroll and also loving the festive snowflakes!

    i would love to see more food reviews from teh Sherpa’s team. While i can see alot of deals, and i am always super tempted, on the other hand, i dont know if its good. Moreover, it is always nice to see how the ‘experts’ fared in various restaurants 🙂

    1. Awesome, thanks for the feedback! We’ll try to get some write-ups going from our eating adventures around town!

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