Savor the Summer With Sherpa’s Summer Delights!



Looking to satisfy your cravings this summer? Look no further! We have handpicked three incredible restaurants that are part of our Summer Delight Treat promotion. With mouthwatering dishes and enticing discounts, these eateries are ready to take your taste buds on a thrilling culinary adventure. Get ready to tantalize your senses with their delectable offerings!
The Spice

Order from The Spice today and make the most of their 50% off deal on Tom Yum Seafood Soup(spicy), made with lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves, prawns, squid, clams (in shells), crabmeat, sliced mushrooms & cherry tomatoes in spicy broth.
H Kitchen

H Kitchen is committed to bringing 

unique Greek cuisines to more people, 

and promoting a healthy lifestyle 

through high-quality products.

The national brand Elaine ropers,

ze boutique wine made of olive oil,

sweet lubrication mani honey,

pure pollution-free natural drinking water, and fresh air sheep cheese,

olives, vanilla…

Loyodo Mexican Grill

At Loyodo Mexican Grill, you can indulge in a fiesta of flavors with their mexican stewed beef baked red rice, thick french fries, ketchup & 450ml cup of alcohol-free mojito.

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