Now Delivering Sweet Dreams Creamery -Gelato Manuela


The spring time and warmer temperatures are here! Are you ready for a gelato treat after a chilly winter? Sherpa’s has teamed up with delicious and affordable gourmet ice cream and gelato shops to help you beat the heat. Our new partner Gelato Manuela is calling your name. Come try this awesome new delivery option!


春天已到,你准备好以什么样的姿态迎接初夏了吗? 食派士已经帮你安排好好吃又不贵的冰淇淋店啦!Gelato Manuela等你来尝新> 


No matter the temperature, ice cream and gelato makes for a lovely treat. Gelato Manuela’s Italian-style homemade gelato will have you feeling fine in no time. 

Manuela是爱,是光与我们同在!店家说不管在何时代,何种环境下,冰淇淋充满了魅力。 她希望Gelato Manuela的意式手工冰淇淋也能给你被爱充满的感觉。


For Italians, the word Gelato is completely different from ice cream. In Italy, gelato is a representative of small-scale handmade dessert. The taste of Gelato can depend on the mood of the maker. There are no two identical gelatos in the world – each is a unique treat!

Gelato一词对于意大利人来说,是完全不同于 “Ice Cream” 的存在,因为在意大利,它是甜品的代表,可能是小规模手工生产的缘故,Gelato的口味经常是随着制作者的心情改变的,因而 “世界上没有两个一模一样的意大利冰淇淋” 。


If you’re looking for an authentic, delicious treat, you’ve come to the right place! Gelato Manuela is an innovative gelato shop that delivers the goods. Their specialties include pistachio, dark chocolate, and vanilla!

如果你又恰好在寻找正宗的意式冰激凌,那么可以留意下Gelato Manuela哦,它是一个创新型的Gelato店,今天就为您推荐该家正宗的冰激凌吧,店家主推开心果口味、黑巧口味和香草口味。


Manuela Gelato’s pistachio flavour is also known as ‘Green Gold’. It’s made with 100% Sicilian pistachios, is low in calories, moderate in sweetness, fragrant and guilt-free! The vanilla flavour has a milky aroma and is made with egg yolk  – a traditional recipe.



That’s not all the options though – people rave about the blueberry, mulberry, sea salt, and other flavours – but make sure to try the pistachio! You won’t go wrong. Take a bite and let your worries melt away.


Give it a try today! 欢迎来品尝>>