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招聘 RECRUITMENT丨Business Development Specialist in Suzhou ​苏州商务专员

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Business Development Specialist

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Job Description

1. 负责拓展新的合作商户(餐厅、商超、生鲜、酒饮及百货等),电话Call out潜在商户,约见目标商户关键负责人谈判并签约;

Develop relationships with new business partners like restaurants, supermarkets, grocery stores, beverage stores, merchandise outlets, and more. Call potential business partners to make appointments to reach cooperation.

2. 负责商户合作前期执行工作,完成合同和新商户上线前培训等事宜;

Work closely with business partners to get cooperation materials ready, complete contracts and provide training for restaurant staff.

3. 与合作商户确认合作上线商品种类,并与菜单部交接确认;

Discuss and confirm menu items to be launched online with business partners and coordinate with menu department to launch items.

4. 负责合作商户的维护服务工作,与合作商户建立长期稳定、密切的合作关系;

Maintain friendly, and close long-term relationships with business partners.

5. 配合市场推广工作,负责与合作商户进行活动方案策划、执行并跟进实施效果;

Work with MKT Dept to carry out campaigns or events related to business partner stores, and follow up with promotion results.

6. 其他相关工作开展;

Perform other relevant business development duties as needed.


Qualifications & Skills

1. 本科及以上学历,有1~2年的商户开发经验者优先;

Bachelor’s degree or above. 1-2 years of experience in business development is preferred.

2. 办公软件熟悉,excel操作扎实,有一定的数据分析能力;

Skilled in using office software and certain data analysis.

3. 工作有激情,目标导向,胆大心细,富有团队合作精神及良好的抗压能力;

Passionate work ethic. Possesses a clear target and pays attention to details. Courageous with strong teamwork spirit, and capable of handling stress.

4. 有一定英语口语和书面表达能力者优先;

Oral and written English fluency preferred.

5. 有餐饮或快消品行业相关从业经验者优先。

Experience in catering or consumer goods industry preferred.

6. 有一定的线上线下市场推广、策划与执行经验者优先;

Experience in planning or promoting online and offline campaigns preferred.

应聘邮箱 mail: 

About us 关于我们

Founded in 1999, Sherpa’s delivers your favourite restaurants to you, and now you can order movie  tickets and buy groceries too. We have an easy to use app and a bilingual call center that are ready to help you if you need any assistance. We deliver from thousands of restaurants across Shanghai, Suzhou, and Beijing, providing a friendly and reliable food delivery service with over 22 years’ experience!