Win one ZWYN「10-CREDIT Access」(worth 2200rmb), an access type based on the number of uses. Valid for 180 days from when lucky draw result is released. Shareable with other assigned users.
ZWYN 「10回员」1份, 有效期内可入场 10 回(价值2200rmb),自中奖日起 180 天内有效,可本人使用也可以分享给指定他人。
A valid ID is required for first time registration, and a confirmation call will be required if the access is shared. Please contact the ZWYN team for more info (010 51365559)
*使用前请致电 ZWYN 前场 010 51365559 了解使用详情,使用时请携有效身份证件,如中奖者分享他人使用,ZWYN 将与中奖者核实使用人身份。
6008 6F #33 SANLITUN Rd. CHAOYANG Distr. BEIJING 100600
北京市 100600 朝阳区 三里屯路33号 6楼6008室
Open Time 营业时间:
7:00-23:00 Monday to Sunday
For your chance to win, simply scan the following QR Code to visit the official Sherpa’s WeChat account, leave a comment there, and tap the ‘Wow’ icon. It’s really as simple as that! We will pick 1 lucky winner randomly. Good luck!